Thursday, April 01, 2010

Clarity cometh...

So things about the future have become a little more clear. At the end of quarter break Krystle and I were traveling back to Ruston from Mandeville when I checked my email on the cell. I had almost forgotten that it was another release date for Teach for America...who waitlisted me back in November. I had little stock placed in getting in, and even though I had recently learned of a hiring freeze on teaching in St. Tammany parish(Mandeville), I was pretty sure I would be moving down there anyway. Well, about ten miles outside of Tallulah on I-20 I checked and the email read:

"Dear William,

I am writing to follow up with an update on your waitlist status and final admissions decision and want to thank you for your patience and continued interest in Teach For America.

I am pleased to extend you an offer to join the Teach For America 2010 corps!"

I gulped...because the email did not contain the regional and subject assignment. About 8 miles later we came into Tallulah and stopped at the McDonald's to bum the wifi. We prayed, crossed our fingers, and I logged in. My assignment was secondary Spanish in Memphis. This contradictory rush of emotions hit me all at once. I was thrilled, only the hand of God could have opened this door...such a wonderful job, calling, and invitation to follow Spirit-led convictions...and yet if I pressed the "yes, I'll accept" button, it would mean long distance for at least a year. I had two weeks to let TFA know yes, or no. A wrestled and prayed for four or five I choose the gift, a lush and challenging opportunity or an arid landscape near the object of my affections(cliche, I know). As I sat and listened, cringed and released, read and meditated, a peace came and whispered "yes does not mean no." After running that by a few people I trust, I knew that I had jump...and press the yes button.

So, amidst the usual graduate school chaos...God chose to offer a very, very large blessing amidst his constant flow of smaller ones. Like any relationship, I know the small things are what matters. The small blessings made and make Teach for America palatable. The same Spirit that has guided me in peace for these two years of graduate school will use me in powerful ways, to move figurative and literal mountains, to speak truth...all because of belief and in light of being an heir to the kingdom.

Let's talk about the prodigal son sometime soon...


Danielle Dee said...

That's great Will! What an answered prayer!

matthewjcrouch said...

My boy! thats awesome man!! congrats!