Sunday, October 05, 2008


Papers and books. Last week: three papers and one book. This week: two papers and two books. Sometimes graduate school can seem overwhelming to say the least. Sometimes I sit back and check my pulse, and yes, there still is one. That pulse reminds me that there is life within me and a soul that craves more and more of it. I've gotten to a point where I'm asking myself why? Why graduate school, is the end goal even realistic? I'm long balling, but one of these days I want to take all of the knowledge I can gather about Latin America, combine that with a law degree and start drawing connections. Connect resources, see that the hungry are fed and that the thirsty have water. Connect people, enable people of faith to know that we are all brothers and sisters. To disconnect injustice, as this verse[es] that I've resonated with cries out:

"I was a father to the needy, and I searched out the cause of him whom I did not know.
I broke the fangs of the unrighteous and made him drop his prey from his teeth."
-Job 29:16-17
I can't shake these convictions, and why would I want to?

He said he was the vine, and we are the branches.
Apart from him, we can do nothing. So what does do entail?

Brother and sisters, lets go down and love[God, people] well.


Danielle Dee said...

yes. it is Josh Harris....

Danielle Dee said...

keep on keepin on Will! thanks for the encouragement!

Unknown said...

great post, muchacho.

matthewjcrouch said...

thats beautiful brother!

Rachel Crouch said...

I re-discovered your blog today, and was extremely blessed by it. I really enjoyed the post about reconciliation. Thank you for sharing your insight.

Anonymous said...

you write beautifully. but despite all of this, your words are strong and convicting.
me, you, beau, and whomever else MUST get together over the break. deal?