The Myers-Brigg profile said it well. "If there were no INFJ's, Israel would have gone without prophets." At times things stir in my deepest parts. A passionate conviction, a daring vendetta resonates. It was upon me so quickly, had I been given a moment more I would have approached her...and rebuked her. I was standing in the coffee shop line. My friend was working the counter. My friend was tired. The women, who could have been mistaken for a regular church goer, approached to order. She spoke of her custom preference. The barista innocently failed to know. The customer glared...then asked for the barista's name. She had no care to know her.
Had it come to me a second sooner, I would have approached the customer. I would have said, "why do you do that?" "what good can come of it?" "can you not see her honesty? are you so consumed with pride and disregard?"
I would have said it. I could feel the bitterness of it all. I should have spoken truth, instead I spoke nothing at all. She probably is a church goer, she probably cared little for my friend. Like I said, my grandfather was a labor union president.
hmm... yeah sometimes i think we could/should stand up for injustices such as that.
fyi: www.INFJ.com
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