I simply cannot bring myself to understand this constantly. I catch glimpses of truth yet it flees. Perhaps however, it is I who flees. I run and hide because it is light and I am dark. I so often get frustrated with souls I perceive to be wretched and sunk in a restraining pit. I forget that I have been redeemed of similar straits. I deny the truth that is Christ, that men can be free and can chase perfection in this life and be assured of it in the next. If I but stand for that liberty in Christ. If I but exhibit my redemption I do believe the haze might lift. One might call the lessoning of hell heaven, yet I believe the glimpses of heaven we are exposed to are but drops of water from oceans. My prayer is this, that I may not hate men but sin. That I may attack the enemy and not the hostage. And who are hostages...all men I presume, until they are redeemed.