2010 has come and settled in since the last time I updated this. Since that November a lot has taken place. Since then I was waitlisted by Teach for America...which happened again in January(I'm still on it). Life in general has been pretty static with thesis work and all. My job is more or less drudgery, and except for two possible locations and the type of work I want to do, the future remains a mystery in my mind. I have decided...with slight consideration as to what TFA says...that I want to teach high school Spanish for a while. There is something enormously appealing about teaching a subject that I can almost be certain the students will have zero enthusiasm for. And why not? Every gain will be sweet, every spark of interest a victory. I want to share my passion for Latin America and Spain, and through that I can share my life/Christ. I can't wait to raise questions they've never thought of- about immigration, identity, culture, allegiances...all the while offering a skill(second language) that could benefit them for the rest of their lives.
On another level, a certain lady and I started dating again. I don't want to go into it at length, but I'll just say that the relationship has constantly sharpened my desire to be faithful to the kingdom. Not just faithful, but to be submissive to God- letting go of my plans and asking to be a part of a kingdom that's already here and coming.
Just a hint- but my future geography could place me in one of these: (the green star on the first and then the red dot on the second...