The last post mentioned that I would be sailing into new waters. Well, my sailing has finally slowed and I find myself in a landlocked state. That's right: Tennessee.
When you leave your college town and "go off into the world," it feels like someone has pressed the "reset" button on your life. So much of your identity seems to be at a distance. Family, friends, church, school, classes, and professors all seem like a past life. I raise the questions that I suppose everyone asks: what do I keep...and what can I keep?
One thing that's been a bigger challenge than I ever imagined is how to "set up shop" with faith. Jesus hasn't changed, and His kingdom seems to be moving in Memphis the way it's still moving in Ruston. The context has changed so much on my end though...and I think I'm beginning to understand why transitions to new faith communities can be such a hard thing. I guess this is the classic case of the "youth group to college ministry" struggle. Some make the leap, and some just give it up.
If finding and moving to the rhythms of the Kingdom were like painting a picture, then I have no shortage of paint and brushes.
I just need to recognize the canvas and let His breath continue to guide the strokes...
Please pray that I can draw near to Christ.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Setting off...
For six years Ruston has been my home.
I'm getting ready to sail into the proverbial uncharted seas right now...
It's a time in life that life sits in a knife's edge...stay the course and there will be abundant growth, leave the course and there be a mire of dismay.
Back to the seafaring allusion- I know the skipper, and He knows the path He knows the course this vessel must take...
Christ must increase, I must decrease...
I'm getting ready to sail into the proverbial uncharted seas right now...
It's a time in life that life sits in a knife's edge...stay the course and there will be abundant growth, leave the course and there be a mire of dismay.
Back to the seafaring allusion- I know the skipper, and He knows the path He knows the course this vessel must take...
Christ must increase, I must decrease...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
When I talk/cuando hablo
In James 3 the apostle talks about the main issue associated with teaching. He talks about how those who teach will be judged more strictly, I suppose because, like James insinuates, they have the power to sway for good and for evil. He spends a lot of time talking about the evil:
"For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing."
I know this really well, the blessing and cursing. If you took a notepad and for a day's time had access to my mind, you would see my morning prayers followed by a rush of fears, doubts, and anxieties about my interactions with people. I brood against them, I justify my position and feel the numbing reality that there is no life in it. On my better days I fight against the thoughts. I reason with my "inner tongue" and the Spirit moves in the motion. In that there is life. I guess I'm thinking a lot about this in light of Teach for America and moving away in general. Finally, at long last, for better hopefully more than worst, I'm going to be out on my own. I'm going to be fully responsible for my new actions to see that they fall into rhythm with the Spirit...thankfully time in Ruston has prepared me well. Or, rather, God faithfully working on me in this environment. After I leave though, a few phone numbers and a lively but long-distance relationship will be my only real connection to this place. All the while I will have to speak. I long to. The funny thing is that James doesn't really give the option to not speak...he seems to just be warning of the consequences when we inevitably do. There is no sitting out, only redemption-forward. And grace will be constant...
"For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing."
I know this really well, the blessing and cursing. If you took a notepad and for a day's time had access to my mind, you would see my morning prayers followed by a rush of fears, doubts, and anxieties about my interactions with people. I brood against them, I justify my position and feel the numbing reality that there is no life in it. On my better days I fight against the thoughts. I reason with my "inner tongue" and the Spirit moves in the motion. In that there is life. I guess I'm thinking a lot about this in light of Teach for America and moving away in general. Finally, at long last, for better hopefully more than worst, I'm going to be out on my own. I'm going to be fully responsible for my new actions to see that they fall into rhythm with the Spirit...thankfully time in Ruston has prepared me well. Or, rather, God faithfully working on me in this environment. After I leave though, a few phone numbers and a lively but long-distance relationship will be my only real connection to this place. All the while I will have to speak. I long to. The funny thing is that James doesn't really give the option to not speak...he seems to just be warning of the consequences when we inevitably do. There is no sitting out, only redemption-forward. And grace will be constant...
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Clarity cometh...
So things about the future have become a little more clear. At the end of quarter break Krystle and I were traveling back to Ruston from Mandeville when I checked my email on the cell. I had almost forgotten that it was another release date for Teach for America...who waitlisted me back in November. I had little stock placed in getting in, and even though I had recently learned of a hiring freeze on teaching in St. Tammany parish(Mandeville), I was pretty sure I would be moving down there anyway. Well, about ten miles outside of Tallulah on I-20 I checked and the email read:
I gulped...because the email did not contain the regional and subject assignment. About 8 miles later we came into Tallulah and stopped at the McDonald's to bum the wifi. We prayed, crossed our fingers, and I logged in. My assignment was secondary Spanish in Memphis. This contradictory rush of emotions hit me all at once. I was thrilled, only the hand of God could have opened this door...such a wonderful job, calling, and invitation to follow Spirit-led convictions...and yet if I pressed the "yes, I'll accept" button, it would mean long distance for at least a year. I had two weeks to let TFA know yes, or no. A wrestled and prayed for four or five I choose the gift, a lush and challenging opportunity or an arid landscape near the object of my affections(cliche, I know). As I sat and listened, cringed and released, read and meditated, a peace came and whispered "yes does not mean no." After running that by a few people I trust, I knew that I had jump...and press the yes button.
So, amidst the usual graduate school chaos...God chose to offer a very, very large blessing amidst his constant flow of smaller ones. Like any relationship, I know the small things are what matters. The small blessings made and make Teach for America palatable. The same Spirit that has guided me in peace for these two years of graduate school will use me in powerful ways, to move figurative and literal mountains, to speak truth...all because of belief and in light of being an heir to the kingdom.
Let's talk about the prodigal son sometime soon...

"Dear William,
I gulped...because the email did not contain the regional and subject assignment. About 8 miles later we came into Tallulah and stopped at the McDonald's to bum the wifi. We prayed, crossed our fingers, and I logged in. My assignment was secondary Spanish in Memphis. This contradictory rush of emotions hit me all at once. I was thrilled, only the hand of God could have opened this door...such a wonderful job, calling, and invitation to follow Spirit-led convictions...and yet if I pressed the "yes, I'll accept" button, it would mean long distance for at least a year. I had two weeks to let TFA know yes, or no. A wrestled and prayed for four or five I choose the gift, a lush and challenging opportunity or an arid landscape near the object of my affections(cliche, I know). As I sat and listened, cringed and released, read and meditated, a peace came and whispered "yes does not mean no." After running that by a few people I trust, I knew that I had jump...and press the yes button.
So, amidst the usual graduate school chaos...God chose to offer a very, very large blessing amidst his constant flow of smaller ones. Like any relationship, I know the small things are what matters. The small blessings made and make Teach for America palatable. The same Spirit that has guided me in peace for these two years of graduate school will use me in powerful ways, to move figurative and literal mountains, to speak truth...all because of belief and in light of being an heir to the kingdom.
Let's talk about the prodigal son sometime soon...

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Time for some newness!
2010 has come and settled in since the last time I updated this. Since that November a lot has taken place. Since then I was waitlisted by Teach for America...which happened again in January(I'm still on it). Life in general has been pretty static with thesis work and all. My job is more or less drudgery, and except for two possible locations and the type of work I want to do, the future remains a mystery in my mind. I have decided...with slight consideration as to what TFA says...that I want to teach high school Spanish for a while. There is something enormously appealing about teaching a subject that I can almost be certain the students will have zero enthusiasm for. And why not? Every gain will be sweet, every spark of interest a victory. I want to share my passion for Latin America and Spain, and through that I can share my life/Christ. I can't wait to raise questions they've never thought of- about immigration, identity, culture, allegiances...all the while offering a skill(second language) that could benefit them for the rest of their lives.
On another level, a certain lady and I started dating again. I don't want to go into it at length, but I'll just say that the relationship has constantly sharpened my desire to be faithful to the kingdom. Not just faithful, but to be submissive to God- letting go of my plans and asking to be a part of a kingdom that's already here and coming.
Just a hint- but my future geography could place me in one of these: (the green star on the first and then the red dot on the second...

On another level, a certain lady and I started dating again. I don't want to go into it at length, but I'll just say that the relationship has constantly sharpened my desire to be faithful to the kingdom. Not just faithful, but to be submissive to God- letting go of my plans and asking to be a part of a kingdom that's already here and coming.
Just a hint- but my future geography could place me in one of these: (the green star on the first and then the red dot on the second...

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