I'm sitting in a Monroe Starbucks before plunging into LSAT study thinking about life as of late. I think I mentioned before that my summers are not always the best time of growth for me. Obviously my summer with CSM was an exception because it had an enormous impact on the person I am today. I wish that were the norm, but in the past these times have overwhelmingly been about stagnation or worse. This one has not been one of those. I don't even know where to begin with an explanation, but I can describe this one as difficult but also mellow. I've had no shortage of things that bother me, but I could never say that without explaining the near constant trail of blessings that come from all directions. I've never realized how wealthy I am. My wealth is relational, riches that come out of friendships and words of encouraging affirmation. The morning prayers continue to sustain, and this morning I think I nearly leapt to my knees because it's a refuge to something greater. That's the place I don't have to be haunted by anything. I can hand over all of the chains that I seem to have a thing for collecting.
I'll be back sooner than later.