It's time for a new post on this guy. After all, it's a new quarter at LaTech. Somehow I managed to survive the last one, and although it nearly killed me academically I can fairly say that I learned some things. One: I don't want a PhD. Two: Consistent prayer every morning introduced by distraction-eliminating meditation can be life itself. It's the kingdom put first and a silencing of morning mental noise all at once. Still, the guidelines of "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven" & "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us" continue to blow my mind with their endless depths. Somehow the prayerful spelunking brought about a connection that when absent felt like withdrawals from a fix. Everything in my life just went off kilter. So, I've decided to hang on to this little discipline.
I mentioned that I don't want a PhD. At least not anytime soon. Interestingly, I still want my MA, at least enough of it to constitute a knowledge of Hispanic immigrant communities in Louisiana. It looks like my research will include a lot of oral history, which means I'll get a chance to talk to a lot of people and try and tell their stories. I can't can't think of a better way to get to know a group you one day could see yourself serving. This was intimidating for some reason, but today I gave it all some heavy thought and I think I'm ready to start tackling it. One thing I need: a good voice recorder. Do those come in digital?
Blessings in disguise. Some not so shrouded. Life.
Painting by: Odilon Redon (d.1916)